
For a couple of days during October 2008 we roamed around the Hünsruck in search of the locations used in the Edgar Reitz film trilogy "Heimat". It revealed how attractive the area is in its own right, bounded by the Moselle to the north and the Rhine to the east. The weather was kind to us and a totally unexpected bonus was the fact that the "Günderrode House", such a feature of the third part of the trilogy, is now open to visitors as a small restaurant. How could we resist the temptation to have a lunch break there!

For information about the Heimat trilogy visit http://www.heimat123.de/.

Click on a thumbnail to view a larger picture. Click the larger picture to return here

Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
The "Lucie-Villa" at
The ruins of the castle at
Baldenau where Paul
tried out his wireless
Inside the Herrenburg
slate mine at
The Gasthof Molz
at "Schabbach"
(actually Woppenroth)
Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
The hill in "Schabbach" on
which Maria's coffin was caught in torrential rain
The plaque on the wall by
the door of the Simon
family home
The Simon home with
the adjacent smithy
at "Schabbach"
(actually Gehlweiler)
The smithy worked by
Paul Simon's father
Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
The door of the smithy The beautifully located little church at Sargenroth, used for the final resting places
of the Simon family. The memorials have been allowed to remain there
Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
The nave of the imposing
Ravengiersburg church -
the "Hünsruck Cathedral"
The hall at Mengerschied
where Maria and Otto Wohlleben danced
The road in - and out - of
(actually Maitzborn)
Just a glimpse of the Günderrode House high above Oberwesel
Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
The front door of the
Günderrode House
Scenes around the exterior of the house perched high above Oberwesel
Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
Some interior scenes within the Günderrode House
It is now open to visitors and is a small restaurant. See: http://www.guenderodefilmhaus.de
Heimat Heimat Heimat Heimat
A beautiful view of the
Rhine from the terrace
Looking across the Rhine to the Loreley Rock,
the scene of Ernst's crash
The "Twin Tree" near Mannebach where the Molz
were photographed on the occasion of their
Golden Wedding anniversary, just before Rudi died

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